- Because of an oversight landing some changes, secure sites do not work (https). Expect fixes soon.
- We are having serious problems with networking on dual-processor G4s. The issues are known, and will be resolved shortly.
- App will not launch properly if on a NetInfo shared volume.
- If you experience stalling at startup (splash screen stays up and you get the spinning-beach-ball-of-death), throw away the "Component Registry" file next to the Mozilla executable. If that doesn't fix it, try rebooting the machine (logging out is not good enough, don't ask) and try again.
If you encounter bugs, please report them using our bug system
If you don't report them, we can't fix them. Please don't email your problems to me, I'll ignore them. You have been warned. I would, however, like to be cc'd on any bug you file.
Thanks for your support
-- The Netscape Mac Community (macdev) and Mac Mozilla contributors